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Friday, August 06, 2004

Dialog not Debate, Unity not Division

I just got back from lunch with my progressive libertarian friends. Both activists in the WTO protests of several years back, they sound resigned to the state of political affairs today. But as parents of school-aged kids their active demonstration in matters of global trade, diversity, indigineous rights, corporate corruption and fair trade is limited. Now, the warrior retreats to tend to matters of domestic priority, leaving the fight to others not so resigned or constricted by the responsibilities of parenting young children. I, on the other hand, awoke from the slumber of reconciled apathy and menopausal myopia, to encourage the ideals of unity, respect, compassion and social responsibility.
I long for the day when progess is carved out of the progressive movement. I need to believe that we humans have a greater potential to unite for the common good. I need to believe that when the smoke has cleared there is a place for dialog among competing interests. I need to believe that the greater good will prevail, and concepts that now divide us, will eventually form the base of collective cooperation, humility and grace. The time is now. We can do better.


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