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Tuesday, August 10, 2004


Agence France Presse
Sunday 08 August 2004
Gallup, New Mexico - Navajo and Zuni Indians showed their support for Democratic presidential hopeful John Kerry in traditional fashion, blessing him with eagle feathers said to chase away evil spirits at a Native American pow-wow here.
Under a blazing sun, at the foot of an immense red rock, a Navajo elder wheeled a fan of brown feathers over the heads of Kerry and his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, before some 4,000 Native Americans at the annual intertribal pow-wow of the Zuni and Navajo nations.
Sunday's ceremony was a sacred ritual, and photographs were forbidden as men danced and chanted, dressed in heavy cloaks decorated with feathers, fringes and embroidery.
Indians represent just one percent of the US population, but 9.5 percent of the state of New Mexico. Native American support could be decisive here if, as polls predict, the November 2 race is neck and neck.
The same is true for Oregon, Washington state, Nevada and Arizona, where Kerry was to campaign Monday on his whistle stop swing through the western United States.
Native Americans have long voted Democratic, but Republicans are gaining ground.
Navajo journalist Tina James-Tafoya said she heard Republican radio spots in Navajo for the first time ever this year.
In late July, Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson visited the Navajo to talk about the twin scourges of alcoholism and diabetes. In Arizona, Indians recently helped elect Republicans to local offices.
Kerry toured the Indian reservations by train, passing immense plains and plateaus crossed by cloud shadows, and dotted here and there with mobile homes, scraggly livestock, abandoned cars, freight trains stopped in the middle of nowhere and old electrical lines.
Against that dramatic, forlorn backdrop, he spoke of "strengthening Indian country."
"There's a feeling that the people here haven't been respected," he said in Gallup, promising health care, education, and infrastructure to a community whose life expectancy is only 55, 17 years below the national average.
He promised to put Native Americans in key government positions and to promote tribal sovereignty - enabling them to have more control over governance of the reservations.
"He's promised he'll put all the issues on the table, and I have no reason not to believe him," said Joe Shirley, president of the Navajo nation.
Kerry won support at the Gallup pow-wow.
"I don't want my people to get killed in the Middle East," said Stella Anderson.
"Work, health, education, a veterans' hospital, that's what matters," said Andrew Simpson, an unemployed Vietnam veteran.
Kerry's campaign announced a program called "Native Americans for Kerry-Edwards" and efforts to try to get the Indian community in key states to the voting booth on November 2.
The Navajo nation has set tribal elections on the same day as the presidential vote, aiming to increase turn out for national balloting, often ignored by Indian communities.


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