The New York Unwelcome Mat for RNC
'The Republicans are coming. Make nice'
So reads the New York billboard. But there seems to be little chance - bringing the party of George Bush to one of the US's most Democratic cities was never going to guarantee a smooth ride. If you want a flavour of the expected protests, RNC Not Welcome in NYC has a good run down. As its preface explains: "New York City, historically known for its diverse population, its welcoming of immigrants from far off lands, and its radical politics will prove to be their biggest mistake yet."
But it looks like they have forgotten the shopping. So keen is New York mayor Michael Bloomberg to extract every last dollar for the city (especially after most Boston shops and restaurants reported a downturn in trade when the Democrats made the city their home) he is encouraging delegates and protesters delegates alike to enjoy everything the city has to offer. The Washington Post's report on the promotional deals makes for an odd read as it explains how the wearers of Peaceful Activist badges can claim a free glass of wine with dinner, rent a room at a boutique hotel for $150 a night and get discounted theatre tickets. Mayor Bloomberg adds: "It's no fun to protest on an empty stomach. So you might want to try a restaurant."
It is perhaps the kind of thinking that makes New York a city apart. Mindful of the prospect of a second Bush administration, New York Magazine revisits the fantasy scenario (and it appears to have to keep reminding itself very hard it is only a fantasy) of the the Big Apple leaving the US: "New York has always felt like a nation apart. In a country that grows ever redder, it is the bluest of blue cities in one of the bluest of blue states, with the eccentrics to match," it writes. What emerges is a city state republic with Groucho Marx on its stamps, Donald Trump installed in its Washington embassy and no more "FORD TO CITY: DROP DEAD" headlines in its newspapers. Bill Clinton could even be president if, the magazine notes sagely, "after eight years of presiding over the free world, he has the patience to worry about potholes."ยท
by Simon Jeffery, The Guardian
So reads the New York billboard. But there seems to be little chance - bringing the party of George Bush to one of the US's most Democratic cities was never going to guarantee a smooth ride. If you want a flavour of the expected protests, RNC Not Welcome in NYC has a good run down. As its preface explains: "New York City, historically known for its diverse population, its welcoming of immigrants from far off lands, and its radical politics will prove to be their biggest mistake yet."
But it looks like they have forgotten the shopping. So keen is New York mayor Michael Bloomberg to extract every last dollar for the city (especially after most Boston shops and restaurants reported a downturn in trade when the Democrats made the city their home) he is encouraging delegates and protesters delegates alike to enjoy everything the city has to offer. The Washington Post's report on the promotional deals makes for an odd read as it explains how the wearers of Peaceful Activist badges can claim a free glass of wine with dinner, rent a room at a boutique hotel for $150 a night and get discounted theatre tickets. Mayor Bloomberg adds: "It's no fun to protest on an empty stomach. So you might want to try a restaurant."
It is perhaps the kind of thinking that makes New York a city apart. Mindful of the prospect of a second Bush administration, New York Magazine revisits the fantasy scenario (and it appears to have to keep reminding itself very hard it is only a fantasy) of the the Big Apple leaving the US: "New York has always felt like a nation apart. In a country that grows ever redder, it is the bluest of blue cities in one of the bluest of blue states, with the eccentrics to match," it writes. What emerges is a city state republic with Groucho Marx on its stamps, Donald Trump installed in its Washington embassy and no more "FORD TO CITY: DROP DEAD" headlines in its newspapers. Bill Clinton could even be president if, the magazine notes sagely, "after eight years of presiding over the free world, he has the patience to worry about potholes."ยท
by Simon Jeffery, The Guardian
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Hi there BLONDIE, I had been out looking for some new information on cash flow industry when I found your site and The New York Unwelcome Mat for RNC. Though not just what I was searching for, it drew my attention. An interesting post and I thank you for it.
Hello BLONDIE, been looking for the latest info on discounted notes and found The New York Unwelcome Mat for RNC. Though not exactly what I was searching for, it did get my attention. Interesting post, thanks for a great read.
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