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Monday, August 09, 2004

The People of Darfur's stories....Please read!

The Government Won’t Let Us Bring Darfur Witnesses Here
So We Want to Bring the Cameras to Them

The people of Darfur need to tell their stories.

Click here to help us send a camera crew with a satellite uplink directly into the refugee camps.
We’ve had some big successes in our campaign to save the genocide victims in Darfur. Most recently, both houses of Congress unanimously passed the resolutions we supported, calling the atrocities in Sudan “genocide” and pressing the Bush administration to take any action needed to stop it. This has really isolated Bush’s position—that this isn’t really genocide requiring immediate action. Instead, he’s using a “go slow” approach with the hope that the Sudanese government will do an about-face and save the millions who are now being starved to death.

To focus the media’s attention on this, and really put the heat on the President, we tried to bring some witnesses from Darfur to the United States as “Refugee Ambassadors,” but the State Department wouldn’t issue them any visas. One employee actually defended the State Department’s position by saying that some of the refugees might be terrorists. If it wasn’t so tragic it would be funny.

Well, if the government won’t let us bring witnesses to the media, we’ll bring the media to the witnesses. Working with our friends at, we have created a plan to send a camera crew, complete with a satellite uplink, directly into the refugee camps on the Chad/Sudan border. From there we’d be able to get witnesses, aid workers, and human rights activists directly onto talk shows here in the States. We’d also be able to have local experts appear in the studios, to comment on how our government can stop this.

Now we just need to raise the money to pay for this project. We figure the cost, including crew, equipment, and satellite time, will be about $45,000. If we raise any additional money, we’ll use it to continue pressing the government to do the right thing in other ways, such as an ad campaign. But first we need to get the crew over there.

To help send a camera crew with a satellite uplink to the Darfur refugees, click here and give whatever you can:

We are all doing what we can to stop the genocide. TrueMajority founder, Ben Cohen, was even arrested at a protest in front of the Sudanese embassy. Now please do whatever you can.

Thanks for helping,

Andrew Greenblatt,
Online Organizer


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