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Friday, August 27, 2004

Top 11 reasons not to fire Donald Rumsfeld.
11. Fear of retribution.
10. He was only following orders.
9. He knows where all of the bodies are buried and what parts have been removed to keep Dick Cheney alive.
8. The administration's investigation of Abu Ghraib only found fault with the "Office of The Secretary of Defense," so it's really the building's fault.
7. Rumsfeld is one of the few people in the entire administration with actual military service (albeit non-combat) and he is needed for credibility.
6. As Dubya says: You can't blame the guy at the top for the bad behavior of his immediate subordinates.
5. He's the best hitter on the softball team.
4. He only approved the use of torture that he would want applied to himself.
3. Need to keep him around to take the rap for some really bad stuff yet to be revealed.
2. Hasn't the he suffered enough already?
1. If anyone in the administration loses his job, the terrorists win.


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