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Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Labor Leader to Share Stage with's Anti-Flag and Tom Morello to Make Noise about the Nation's Health Care Crisis

CLEVELAND - September 28 - What do
SEIU's Andy Stern and Punk Bands Have in Common? (Hint: Not their haircuts) -- They Are All Working to Rock Against Bush! -- Labor Leader to Share Stage with's Anti-Flag and Tom Morello to Make Noise about the Nation's Health Care Crisis.
In an effort to engage and mobilize and educate America's newest voters in key states, SEIU President Andy Stern joins up with's Rock Against Bush tour members tomorrow, Sept 29, to sound off about the nation's health care crisis with some of the loudest and most political in punk music, Anti-Flag and Tom Morello (Rage Against The Machine, Audioslave, The Nightwatchman).
WHAT: Labor Rally and Guest Performances
WHERE: SEIU Local 3, 1735 E. 23rd St. (at Payne) in Cleveland
WHEN: Wednesday Sept 29 at 5 p.m.
WHO: SEIU President Andy Stern, Anti-Flag and Tom Morello, Union members and Punks ready to Rock Against Bush.
President Bush's policies have led to over 2 million lost jobs, and during his presidency, 5.2 million more people have joined the ranks of the uninsured. SEIU and are spreading the message from picket line to mosh pit in an effort to put this country back on track so that every American, young and old, has a secure economic future.
"Whether you join a band or join a union -- it's all about fighting for your rights," said Stern. "This country needs affordable health care that we can count on."
"Young Americans can't find work and are suffering from some of the worst unemployment rates in three decades," said Anti-Flag member Justin Sane. Stern will join Anti-Flag and Tom Morello, along with other members at the Rock Against Bush concert Wednesday evening at Cleveland's Agora Theater.


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