Tuesday: National Call-In Day for Darfur
Call President Bush on United Nations Day for Darfur
— Tuesday, Oct. 24!
Help us tie up all 1,000 lines at the White House for a whole hour. Call (202) 456-1414. If you have trouble getting through to the switchboard, help us fill up the White House voicemail by calling the comment line at (202) 456-1111.
"President Bush, Today, on United Nations Day, we are calling for you to put Darfur at the top of the U.S.'s agenda at the Security Council. The U.S. has the power to protect. Move beyond words to take action to stop genocide in Darfur by implementing UN Resolution 1706."
Sign a Companion Petition on Darfur from Africa Action
Call President Bush on United Nations Day for Darfur
— Tuesday, Oct. 24!
Help us tie up all 1,000 lines at the White House for a whole hour. Call (202) 456-1414. If you have trouble getting through to the switchboard, help us fill up the White House voicemail by calling the comment line at (202) 456-1111.
"President Bush, Today, on United Nations Day, we are calling for you to put Darfur at the top of the U.S.'s agenda at the Security Council. The U.S. has the power to protect. Move beyond words to take action to stop genocide in Darfur by implementing UN Resolution 1706."
Sign a Companion Petition on Darfur from Africa Action
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