ADA Endorses John Kerry for President- Americans for Democratic Action1625 K Street, N.W.Suite 210Washington, D.C. 20004 Adopted 2004PRESIDENTIAL ENDORSEMENT 2004 Americans for Democratic Action enthusiastically endorses John F. Kerry for President. He provides the best -- and only -- opportunity for America to return to its democratic principles and restore honor, civility, integrity, and transparency to the White House. John F. Kerry's years of experience serving his country as a Swift Boat officer in the Navy, as an anti-Vietnam War activist, as a prosecutor, as Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor, and as a United States Senator have given him the vision and dedication needed to lead the United States back to the economic prosperity, international respect, and security it knew during the 1990s.As President, John F. Kerry will:* Return U.S. foreign policy to its historical roots in human rights and multilateralism, and put an end to reckless unilateralism in violation of international law which has needlessly endangered American lives, harmed our reputation around the world, and made the United States less secure; * Ensure a strong, professional, and efficient military;* Provide adequate funding for effective homeland security and first responders, including police and firefighters;* Pursue sensible and fair economic policies designed to create better jobs for those who need them rather than the low wage employment currently being created;* Raise the federal minimum wage;* Restore fairness in taxes, reversing the tax cuts for the wealthy that have turned record surpluses into record deficits;* Prevent the raiding of Medicare and Social Security funds to finance tax cuts for the wealthy and reverse the hazardous path toward privatization;* Enter only into those trade agreements that include enforceable international labor and environmental protections in the core text of the agreement; and review and improve existing trade agreements to ensure that they safeguard the environment and protect workers here and abroad;* Return to environmental policies that protect our air, water, and natural heritage, and reverse the disastrous environmental policies that are destroying America's resources and the health of its citizens;* Appoint Supreme Court Justices and other federal judges who will safeguard the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and the landmark decisions that have protected civil rights, including access to the courts, affirmative action, and a woman's right to choose;* Respect the constitutional separation of church and state;* Protect the right to privacy;* Make real our commitment to quality public education for all; and* Work towards affordable health care for all Americans.The presidential election of 2004 presents the most significant choice American voters will make in their lifetime. ADA pledges to work actively and vigorously to ensure John F. Kerry's election.# # #No. 281
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