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Tuesday, August 17, 2004

BuzzFlash recommends....

Why do we love Mark Crispin Miller? Because he's so BuzzFlashian!
Take this Miller quotation from a recent interview on how the corporate media has co-opted the role of a free press in a democracy:
When asked if it's mere lefty hysteria to worry that media concentration puts democracy itself in crisis, Mark Crispin Miller, New York University communications professor and author of the upcoming Cruel and Unusual: Bush/Cheney's New World Order responds, "Hysteria? Read what the framers had to say about the freedom of the press. The whole point of the First Amendment is not to shield the media's owners from public service obligations, libel suits, censorship, etc. The purpose of the press clause was, and is, to ensure that the people stay informed about the doings of their government
"We can't have a democracy if everybody in the country knows only what the government would have them know. To the extent that we are merely disinformed and distracted by our media, ours is not a viable republic or democracy, but a state essentially no more enlightened than Stalin's Russia or Saddam Hussein's Iraq." [Orlando Weekly]

So, we are extremely pleased to offer Miller's latest book, "Cruel and Unusual: Bush/Cheney's New World Order." Author of the best-selling "Bush Dyslexicon," Miller joins Paul Krugman in being among the few media writers and watchers who understand that the re-installment of the Bush administration in 2004 may be the death knell of American democracy.
This is no hyperbolic judgment. It is based on an understanding of a cabal of people who believe that God has chosen them to lead America, regardless of the votes of the American people.
They have and will stop at nothing to maintain power.
At the center of Miller's argument is that the media is the enabling partner that treats the Bush Administration as if it were moderate, honest and sensible. In addition, the media is pretty much a mimeograph machine for the Bush Administration spin of the day, rolling out lie after lie, without generally pointing out the contradictions from day to day -- and even hour to hour -- that come out of the White House.
It is an Orwellian world -- in fact -- where the White House counts on the repetition of lies by the media making them into the perception of truth.
The Bush Administration is so egregious in its violation of democracy and common sense that a trenchant critic like Miller is marginalized because most Americans don't want to believe that their government could betray them in such a fundamental way.
The irony is that the truth tellers under the Bush regime appear to be the exaggerators and alarmists, because what they claim about the Bush Cartel appears to be so unbelievable.
Until you realize that the biggest sins in the Bush/Cheney White House are telling the truth and actually believing in majority rule. Mark Crispin Miller, in "Cruel and Unusual," pulls the fire alarm. Will a majority of Americans awaken from their slumber in time to put out the fire and save democracy, our liberties and our Constitution?


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