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Monday, August 09, 2004

by Dom Stasi
Bush is a simple-minded man who came to the presidency with preconceptions, many of them juvenile, simplistic, and profoundly unworthy of any leader of the "free" world. True to his sort, he maintains those preconceptions: "I’m not about nuancing," says George. "I see things in black and white. You’re either with us or you’re with the terrorists." He does not change his mind - not cognitively - this president. He cannot overcome his biases. He ignores evidence and repels knowledge. His handlers call this intractability his greatest strength. I prefer to call it what it is, willful ignorance. Thus George W. Bush’s attitude toward the acquisition of power by questionable means and his apparent disregard for the exercise of constitutional law has changed little if at all since 2000.


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