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Tuesday, August 03, 2004

"From the Wreakage of My Silent Reverie.." *

Another day looking for noteworthy items to publish on my blog. Although I tend to re-publish that which is already known, the bloggers and progressive sites continue to grow. Does this mean that the next revolution will be brought by the cyber community? Let's face it, there is so much information out there to inform, enlighten, enrage or simply inspire a community to action, whether it is local or international. The talking heads don't understand that their rhetoric has been challenged by an informed and intelligent populace. Although I still aspire to fight FOR something, rather than against, my professional curicum vitae shows a consistent pattern of fighting "Big Brother". No longer will the contradictions and inconsistencies be tolerated without adequate discourse, and ultimately accountability on the part of our leaders. We are a just and humane society; let our leaders follow US to virtue. In solidarity and peace,

* Lyrics from Angel, copywright by Sarah McLachlin, Surfacing


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