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Thursday, August 12, 2004

Military Mom Speaks Out

Senate Admits War is Based on Lies: An Angry Mom Responds Hello MFSO, I am so angry right now I thought I'd unload on you, since I know someone there has to be feeling the same thing. When that Senate "intelligence" report came out yesterday, 7/9/04, saying that the war in Iraq was based on a big mistake and that if congressmen knew then what they know now, they would never have voted for use of force, it made me cry. How can we sit by and let this happen without a lot of OUTRAGE being voiced? Families of soldiers who have died and been injured must SHOUT their OUTRAGE NOW. Most of the world knew that there was not sufficient foundation for the US invasion of Iraq, yet all but a very few of our Congressman believed the b-------- that was handed to them by the CIA and the Bush administration. Why did we conduct an investigation NOW, AFTER the damage is done, AFTER our kids have been killed and lost legs and arms and eyesight, and killed so many other people in the process? Shouldn't investigations have been conducted before the first bomb was dropped? Shouldn't our lawmakers have been asking probing questions, been willing to stand against the tide of stupitity and ignorance in Washington, been reading the supposed evidence and asking for a lot more proof BEFORE giving George Bush a free hand to send our kids to war? How can families of dead soldiers get up each day and live with the unavoildable reality that they have lost their loved ones FOREVER because the people we trust to examine and understand the FACTS before sending our children into combat totally failed to recognize obvious, transparent lies and fabrications? And how can the Commander in Chief smirk and shrug and say he "thinks our intelligence is good intelligence" and never take one bit of responsibility (or be held responsible by those of us he has hurt so badly and permanently) for the damage he has personally done to the lives of the members of the military and their families, as well as our alliances worldwide, and to the people of Iraq whose lives have been ravaged by death and destruction? As members of military families we sleep at night because we believe that our loved ones will only be sent to war AS A LAST RESORT, ONLY after ALL other avenues have been exhausted, to defend this country, its people, and its allies. We believe in this sacred promise made to us by our leadership, implicit in the Constitution of the United States of America. We were sold a pack of lies. And I'm sorry to say the majority of people in this country alone ate it up like candy. I am sad today as I ponder the tragedies of our time. I hold my breath daily waiting to see if my son will be deployed again, to where, and for how long. He and I both pray that he somehow manages to get out of the army on the date that his 4 years are up, against all odds now that stop-loss and call back policies are in place.
Thanks for your ear, Amy Bright

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