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Thursday, August 05, 2004

Powell's Roundtable with Media

I like C-span to get a recap on what the pols are doing...especially those in places of power wherein decisions are made that affect us all. Colin Powell, Secretary of State addressed a discussion with news organizations on ""Media Coverage on National Security", Gewn Ifill, PBS NewsHour Sr. Correspondent kept Powell on his toes. He maintains that he was always included in what I call, "the cloak-room" deals...and remains steadfast that the "preemptive strike"on a sovereign nation was justified. When asked by a correspondent from the Washington Post whether there were other nations that may deserve a preemtive strike, Powell basically stated that the decision, based on intelligence, was justified. Ok, like any departure from the Bush position would be tolerated. Hell, dissenters are being denied rightful access to protest the regime and relegated to roped barriers. What has happened to our America. We dare oppose an unjust, deceitful and incompetent administration and we are supposed to shut up? I don't think so. If complacency ever afflicted me, outrage reactives my sense of social order, and democratic principles. This cannot be tolerated in the 21st century. We are better than that!


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