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Friday, October 01, 2004

The Daily Outrage...

By Ari Berman
The FBI has failed to translate more than 120,000 hours of counter-terrorism intercepts, according to a Justice Department summary released Monday. Despite adding three hundred translators, the FBI missed their deadline in thirty-six percent of cases. The quotes, "Tomorrow is zero hour," and "The match is about to begin," were intercepted on September 10, 2001, but not transcribed until days after the terrorist attack. In addition, a senior CIA official claims there are fewer case officers monitoring Osama bin Laden now than there were before 9/11. So much for winning the war on terror.
The right-wing House of Representatives voted Wednesday to
repeal virtually all of Washington, D.C.'s gun laws. Isn't democracy great? The opinion of some gun-nut Congressman from Wyoming is more important than the District's mayor, law- enforcement chief, non-voting delegate and the majority of its citizens. This is taxation without representation, as proponents of DC statehood have long claimed about the District's second-tier status.
GOP blowhard, Democratic traitor, and spitball-satirist Zell Miller has been rewarded with pet pork projects for his fact-forgetting tirade against John Kerry in his keynote address at the Republican National Convention. On the first day of Congress' resumption, key GOP dealmaker Sen. Pete Domenici told Miller: "Don't worry about appropriations. I've already put that stuff in," The Hill
Voter suppression watch part I. Thanks to Colorado Secretary of State Donetta Davidson, voters casting provisional ballots this November can vote only for president, not for candidates in statewide races. The
announcement severely hurts Democrats locked in tight races, such as Senate candidate Ken Salazar, who receive the majority of lower-income provisional votes. Elsewhere, GOP election officials in Florida, Ohio, Michigan, and Minnesota have proposed similar measures to limit turnout. Maybe Katherine Harris should consider a trademark.
Voter suppression watch part II. Tens of thousands of Americans living abroad may not get absentee ballots in time to vote, The New York Times
reported Wednesday. Eight of fifteen swing states failed to mail absentee ballots by the September 19 cut-off date necessary to ensure that ballots are counted. Military members and their families can still obtain ballots online through the Pentagon. Fifty-eight percent of Americans owning passports - the best correlative to those living abroad - support Kerry. The armed forces generally support Bush.


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