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Thursday, August 12, 2004

Iraq Veterans Against the War

CIVILIAN DEATHSLatest updates:
Jul 27: garbage collector in mortar attack, Karkh, Baghdad
Jul 26: two women Bechtel employees, Mishraq, Basra
Jul 26: Interior Ministry official and 2 guards, Al-Baya, Baghdad
Jul 26: three by suicide car bomb, Mosul Airfield
Jul 22: nine in collision between minibus and tank, nr. Baghdad
Jul 21: two to four by car bomb, Al-Jadida, Baghdad
Jul 21: policeman by roadside bomb, Gharnata, Kirkuk
Jul 18: Defence Ministry official and guard, Saydia, Baghdad
Jul 20: Basra interim governor and 2 guards, Jubaila Basra
Jul 20: four veterinarians in minibus near Baqouba
Jul 19: 8 or 9 by suicide truck bomb, Al-Bayaa, Baghdad
Jul 18: two police by car bombs in Tikrit
Jul 18: fourteen in US airstrike, southeast Fallujah
Jul 14: 10 or 11 by suicide car bomb near Green Zone, Baghdad
Jul 17: two members of National Guard, Mahmudiyah
Jul 01: three by roadside bomb, Al-Khadra, Baghdad
Jul 15: an Iraqi Foreign Ministry official south of Kirkuk
Jul 15: ten by car bomb in Haditha
Jul 16: a policeman in Kirkuk
Aug 21, 2003: 8-yr-old girl in Karmat Ali, Basra
Jul 16: policeman in Jihad, Baghdad
Jul 16: child in fighting at Abu Ghraib
Jul 16: one by roadside bomb near Baiji
Jul 13: auditor for Industry Ministry, Saadiyeh, Baghdad
Jul 14/15: woman and three children by rocket on house, Kirkuk
Jul 14: Nineveh governor and two guards between Beiji and Tikrit
Jul 11: one by roadside bomb in Beiji
Jul 08: policeman by roadside bomb in Mosul
Jul 08: ex-Baath Party official in Dora, Baghdad
Jul 06: thirteen attending a wake in Khalis
Jul 05: 4-yr-old boy in car at US checkpoint, Baghdad
Jul 07: one policeman by roadside bomb in Mosul
Jul 07: two National Guards in Haifa Street, Baghdad
Jul 05: 15 from one family in airstrike on Shuhada, Fallujah
Jul 03: seven National Guards at checkpoint near Mahmudiyah
Jun 09/10: two in fighting between police and militia in Najaf

As many of you already know the Republican National Convention is almost upon us and IVAW plans on making our presence felt. We hope to have speakers spread out to the numerous marches and rallies showing opposition to this horrible war. To do this however we need funds. Our members are scattered across the United States and since they have just left military service can not afford to travel to NYC on their own. Please help us bring the troops home and end this brutal war.
IVAW is a non-profit organization and all contributions are tax deductible.
The IVAW Mission
Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) is a group of veterans from Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. We are committed to saving lives and ending the violence in Iraq by an immediate withdrawal of all occupying forces. We also believe that the governments that sponsored these wars are indebted to the men and women that were forced to fight them and must give their Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, and Airmen the benefits that are owed to them upon their return home.
We welcome all active duty, reservist, and recent veterans into our ranks.


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