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Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Wisconsin's Lt.Gov. Barbara Lawton Statement in Response to Laura Bush Visit

August 10, 2004, 01:04 PM
“George Bush loves to claim that ‘W Stands for Women,’ yet his record on women’s empowerment in the economic sphere demonstrates how empty this promise is. The Bush White House has ended the Equal Pay Initiative, a promising program to ensure women workers receive their fair share; sought to expand overtime exemptions; and is proposing to eliminate the SBA microloan program and the SBA Prime programs in its 2005 budget. Each of these critical projects benefits women workers and women-owned businesses. Considering that women-owned small businesses created thousands upon thousands of good jobs in the 1990s, this is not just an issue that affects women, this is a national economic development issue that affects us all. With these and other actions, the Administration has systematically worked to shut down opportunities for working women and women-owned businesses, and has failed to support economic policies that help women create good jobs for all Americans.
“These are just a few examples of the failures of the Bush economic plan, which gives huge tax breaks to companies who ship American jobs overseas and puts corporate profits above regular people. It’s disappointing that the First Lady would choose to speak at a temporary jobs agency during her visit to Wisconsin. Instead of highlighting opportunities for women, her visit only serves to celebrate the low-wage, no-benefit jobs that have been the hallmark of the so-called Bush recovery. The American people need an economic vision that supports the middle class and working families by adding jobs that can actually support a family. George Bush thinks low wage service industry positions demonstrate economic growth; this only shows how out of touch this president is with the needs of the American people.”


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